
Community Safety

Division of Student Life

Community Safety Blotter & Activity 

(To view other weekly Blotters and CS activity go here.) 



January 3, 2022 - January 9, 2022

Weekly Activity:

Alarm checks: 6
Animal issue responses: 0
AOD interactions: 0
Building patrols: 205
Community assistance responses: 0
Escorts: 0
Fire responses: 0
Foot patrols: 398
Held door checks: 7
Maintenance issue responses: 0
Medical assistance responses: 3 
Noise complaint responses: 0
Suspicious circumstance responses: 10
Theft reports taken: 0
Unlocks: 33
Vehicle patrols: 250
Vehicle assistance responses: 1
Welfare check responses: 0


Weekly Reports:


Case #: 220001
Date: 2022 01 03
Time: 1513
Description: Damage to Property
Location: Naito Hall

Notes: A CSO on patrol encountered a damaged “EXIT” sign in the north hallway of the Naito hall first floor common room. Building Services has been contacted for repairs. 

Case #: 220002
Date: 2022 01 03
Time: 2338
Description: Medical Assist - Other
Location: Residence Hall

Notes: A CSO responded to a request for medical assistance for a student. The CSO spoke with the student regarding a course of action and the student was appreciative.

Case #: 220003
Date: 2022 01 04
Time: 1324
Description: Medical Assist - Other
Location: Residence Hall

Notes: A CSO on patrol encountered a student who reported that a fellow student was possibly experiencing medical distress. The CSO met with the reporting student and their fellow student and recommended a course of action.

Case #: 220004
Date: 2022 01 07
Time: 1723
Description: Damage to Property
Location: West Lot

Notes: A CSO on patrol in the West Lot encountered a vehicle with a shattered passenger side window. Glass was on the ground near the vehicle and inside the vehicle. The CSO was unable to determine whether or not there were any items missing from the vehicle. This vehicle is not registered with Community Safety so contact with the owner was unable to be made.