
Community Safety

Division of Student Life

Community Safety Blotter & Activity 

(To view other weekly Blotters and CS activity go here.) 


January 15, 2024 - January 21, 2024

Weekly Activity:

Alarm checks: 15
Animal issue responses: 0
AOD interactions: 2
Building patrols: 198
Candle/incense violation interactions: 0
Community assistance responses: 0
Escorts: 21
Fire responses: 1
Foot patrols: 87
Held door checks: 31
Maintenance issue responses: 2
Medical assistance responses: 1
Noise complaint responses: 1
Suspicious circumstance responses: 10
Theft reports taken: 1
Unlocks: 98
Vehicle patrols: 183.
Vehicle assistance responses: 8
Welfare check responses: 1


Weekly Reports:


The office of Community Safety invites all community members to provide feedback to us on our services by using the Let Us Know How We’re Doing on our website. Feedback may be made anonymously or with your name and contact information if you would like follow up.


Narcan doses discovered missing this week: 0

Case #:
Date: 2024 01 15
Time: 02:06
Description: Fire
Location: Birchwood Apartments

Notes: A CSO responded to a complaint that a beeping alarm in a unit was keeping the resident of an adjacent apartment awake. Upon arrival, the CSO was able to hear the alarm that was beeping and also encountered the odor of smoke. The CSO confirmed that the unit was unoccupied at the time and received permission to key into the unit. The CSO immediately observed a “bright orange glow” coming from the ceiling and also observed that the ceiling and walls exhibited evidence of heat damage. Portland Fire and Rescue was immediately requested and responded quickly. The fire department successfully extinguished the fire and confirmed that it had not spread to any of the surrounding units. The resident in the adjacent apartment was provided alternate housing. 

Case #: 240016
Date: 2024 01 15
Time: 19:42
Description: Trespass
Location: Birchwood Apartments

Notes: A CSO responded to a fire alarm at the Birchwoods. The report notes that this alarm was triggered by construction work clogging up and triggering the alarm sensor in an apartment; it is unrelated to the fire detailed in report 240015. When the CSO entered the alarm panel room inside the Birchwood laundry room, they encountered a known excluded individual. The CSO informed the individual that they needed to leave campus due to their excluded status. The individual immediately complied. 

Case #:
Date: 2024 01 17
Time: 12:00
Description: Information Only
Location: Biology

Notes: Two CSOs on patrol responded to a fire alarm in the Biology building. Upon inspection, they determined that there was no fire but a frozen pipe in the sprinkler system had ruptured in the Bio-Physics Breezeway, triggering the alarm notification. The CSOs turned off the alarm and sprinklers, and cordoned off the breezeway for safety.

Case #: 240018 - VOID REPORT

Case #: 240019
Date: 2024 01 17
Time: 12:35
Description: Information Only
Location: Reactor

Notes: The Community Safety director responded to a report of a water leak in the reactor bay. The director met with a member of the reactor staff, who escorted him to the area of the leak. The director observed that a ceiling pipe was leaking and had caused ceiling and wall damage. Facilities was contacted for immediate repair of the pipe. 

Case #: 240020
Date: 2024 01 17
Time: 13:49
Description: Medical Assist
Location: Campus Central

Notes: A CSO responded to a request for medical assistance in Central Campus. The CSO met with a student who had slipped on the ice and had sustained a few minor injuries, but nothing suggested any conditions that would warrant transport. The CSO escorted the student into a nearby building to get cleaned up and cleared the scene.

Case #:
240021 - VOID REPORT

Case #: 240022
Date: 2024 01 18
Time: 02:23
Description: Alcohol Violation
Location: The Grove

Notes: Two CSOs responded to the Grove to aid a student attempting to escort their intoxicated friend back to their residence. While one CSO conversed with the intoxicated student, the other CSO was informed of a minor physical altercation that had occurred between the escorting student and the intoxicated student. The CSOs escorted the students to their residences and offered follow-up resources should they be needed.

Case #: 240023
Date: 2024 01 18
Time: 22:15
Description: Larceny/Theft of Motor Vehicle
Location: West Lot

Notes: Two CSOs responded to a report of a vehicle break-in at the West Lot. Upon arrival, they witnessed an unknown individual sitting inside a vehicle that had its rear window shattered. The individual appeared to be searching through the vehicle, but quickly exited the vehicle when they noticed the CSOs approaching. The CSOs then approached the vehicle and observed that contents had been scattered around inside the vehicle and that there was a “skeleton” key for that vehicle make in the ignition, indicating that the individual had planned to steal the vehicle. Later, the owner of the vehicle contacted Dispatch and provided a list of items taken from the car. Steps to ensure the student’s safety were taken and items the individual had left behind were collected as evidence should a police investigation be initiated.

Case #: 240024
Date: 2024 01 20
Time: 10:52
Description: Damage to Property 
Location: RCAs

Notes: A CSO responded to a report of a vehicle with a shattered passenger window at the RCAs. The CSO noted that the interior of the vehicle appeared to be in good order and did not appear to have been searched through. As the vehicle was not registered with Community Safety, Dispatch was unable to contact the owner.

Case #: 240025
Date: 2024 01 20
Time: 22:41
Description: Alcohol Violation
Location: McKinley

Notes: Two CSOs responded to a report of underage alcohol consumption at McKinley. The CSOs encountered approximately two dozen students holding red solo cups containing a red liquid, and the CSOs also observed the prominent odor of cannabis. Upon the arrival of the CSOs, approximately 15 students left the area without interacting with the CSOs. Those that remained confirmed that they were drinking alcohol and provided their information to the CSOs. None of the students the CSOs spoke with were of legal drinking age. The CSOs observed many unattended drinks in the common room and surrounding areas inside and outside of the building. The CSOs disposed of all of the remaining alcohol and cleared the scene.


CS Survey Responses:

Every week Community Safety requests survey responses from those who've had interactions with a member of the Community Safety team. These responses are always collected anonymously with the option for the responder to leave contact information if they would like for a member of Community Safety management to contact them, and are used internally for departmental performance tracking. Community Safety has opted to publish these survey results for transparency and community accountability. *Names and pronouns mentioned in survey responses will be redacted to protect the privacy of individuals.

In addition to surveys sent directly to those who have interacted with Community Safety, the 澳门六合彩开奖直播 community is always encouraged to independently complete the survey regarding Community Safety's performance.
You can take the survey here:   

Responses collected 01 22 2024

Unlock Met expectations I did not have my 澳门六合彩开奖直播 ID or keys. I offered to show my actual ID but they didn't look at it. I think it would be best to have the person show some form of identification, how did they know I was a student?