
Community Safety

Division of Student Life

Community Safety Blotter & Activity 

(To view other weekly Blotters and CS activity go here.) 



April 25, 2022 - May 1, 2022

Weekly Activity:

Alarm checks: 9
Animal issue responses: 0
AOD interactions: 14
Building patrols: 107
Candle/incense violation interactions: 0
Community assistance responses: 5
Escorts: 5
Fire responses: 0
Foot patrols: 409
Held door checks: 20
Maintenance issue responses: 6
Medical assistance responses: 4
Noise complaint responses: 1
Suspicious circumstance responses: 22
Theft reports taken: 0
Unlocks: 85
Vehicle patrols: 241
Vehicle assistance responses: 0
Welfare check responses: 2


Weekly Reports:


The office of Community Safety invites all community members to provide feedback to us on our services by using the Let Us Know How We’re Doing on our website. Feedback may be made anonymously or with your name and contact information if you would like follow up.


Case #: 220170
Date: 2022 04 27
Time: 2107
Description: Maintenance Issue
Location: Aspen

Notes: A CSO responded to a report of an inoperable elevator with a student stuck inside. The CSO arrived and confirmed that the elevator would not open and requested Portland Fire respond to assist. Portland Fire eventually freed the student and recommended elevator maintenance. The elevator was signed as out of order. 


Case #: 220171
Date: 2022 04 28
Time: 0418
Description: Trespass/Exclusion
Location: Residence Hall

Notes: A CSO on patrol encountered an excluded individual on campus. The CSO escorted the individual off of campus and informed them that Portland Police would be called if they were seen on campus again.


Case #: 220172
Date: 2022 04 29
Time: 0233
Description: Suspicious Person/Activity/Circumstances
Location: North Lot

Notes: A CSO on patrol encountered a vehicle parked diagonally across parking spaces. After determining that the vehicle did not belong to a 澳门六合彩开奖直播 community member the officer issued a 72 hour tow notice for the vehicle if it was not reparked in a correct manner. 


Case #: 220173
Date: 2022 04 29
Time: 0841
Description: Medical Transport - Other
Location: Residence Hall

Notes: A CSO responded to a request for medical assistance in a residence hall. The CSO met with the student and leaned that they had called EMS on their own. The student was eventually transported to a medical facility for care. 


Case #: 220174
Date: 2022 04 29
Time: 1326
Description: Suspicious Person/Activity/Circumstances
Location: North Lot

Notes: A CSO responded to a report of an argument taking place in the North Lot. CSO found a 澳门六合彩开奖直播 community member and a visitor shouting at each other. A second CSO arrived and the parties were separated and interviewed individually. The visitor acknowledged having tried to force the community member to turn down music in their car, resulting in the argument. The visitor was reminded that they are on campus as guest only and should call Community Safety with any concerns.


Case #: 220175
Date: 2022 04 29
Time: 1512
Description: Cannabis Use or Possession
Location: Library

Notes: While observing the thesis burning event, the CS director encountered the odor of burning cannabis. The director approached two students seen passing it between themselves, one of whom was holding a cannabis joint, and reminded them that cannabis use on campus is against policy. The students apologized and the director disposed of the joint. 


Case #: 220176
Date: 2022 04 29
Time: 1616
Description: Cannabis Use or Possession
Location: Front Lawn

Notes: While on patrol near the front lawn, the CS director encountered the odor of cannabis. The director observed three students sitting at a table nearby and passing a cannabis joint amongst the group. The director approached the group and alerted them to the wind direction, blowing the smoke toward him. The students apologized and remanded the cannabis joint, and another unused joint, to the director who disposed of them. 


Case #: 220177
Date: 2022 04 29
Time: 1620
Description: Cannabis Use or Possession
Location: Front Lawn

Notes: Immediately after speaking with a group of students smoking cannabis on the front lawn, the CS director encountered the odor of burning cannabis. Looking upwind, the director observed a group of students sitting on the lawn, one of whom was holding a burning cannabis joint. The director approached the group and informed them that cannabis use on campus is prohibited. The student disposed of the remainder of the joint. In plain view next to the student was an open jar containing more cannabis joints. The director informed the student that they would need to be confiscated also. The student asked if they could keep the joints as long as they weren’t smoked on campus. The director informed the student that cannabis possession on campus is against policy. The student stated that they understood and gave the joints to the director for disposal. 


Case #: 220178
Date: 2022 04 29
Time: 1625
Description: Cannabis Use or Possession
Location: Front Lawn

Notes: While walking on the sidewalk south of ODB, the CS director encountered a student walking toward them with what appeared to be two cannabis joints hanging out of their mouth. When the CS director approached the student, the student confirmed the director’s initial appraisal. The director informed the student that cannabis possession on campus is against policy and that the joints would need to be confiscated. The student stated that they understood and remanded the joints to the director. 


Case #: 220179
Date: 2022 04 29
Time: 1640
Description: Cannabis Use or Possession
Location: Library

Notes: A CSO on patrol near the library encountered the odor of cannabis. Following the odor, the CSO noted a student smoking a vape pen that was emitting the odor. The CSO reminded the student of the campus policy regarding cannabis use on campus and confiscated the cannabis cartridge. 


Case #: 220180 - VOID


Case #: 220181
Date: 2022 04 29
Time: 1735
Description: Alcohol Violation
Location: Front Lawn

Notes: A CSO on patrol observed an unknown individual pour a liquid from a bottle marked that it contained alcohol into a plastic cup and hand it to another individual who then passed the first individual money. The CSO approached, and the individual who had just made a purchase confirmed that they had just bought some alcohol from the other individual. Both individuals confirmed that they were 澳门六合彩开奖直播 alumni. When the CSO informed the individual selling alcohol on campus was not allowed they stated that they were unaware of this. This same individual had been reported a few minutes prior for possibly acting inappropriately with students. The CSO requested the alum leave campus and escorted them to their vehicle. When at their vehicle, the alum stated that they were unable to locate their keys. The alum ended up calling an acquaintance to pick them up and left campus.  


Case #: 220182
Date: 2022 04 29
Time: 2004
Description: Other Drug Use or Possession
Location: Physics

Notes: A CSO on patrol in the Physics building heard a sound known to be associated with the use of nitrous oxide, or “whippets.” The CSO approached the area and encountered multiple students, two holding whippet canisters, and observed multiple nitrous oxide cartridges strewn about. The students confirmed that several in the group had participated in the use of the whippets. The CSO confiscated the whippet canisters and all used and unused whippet cartridges. 


Case #: 220183
Date: 2022 04 30
Time: 0020
Description: Cannabis Use or Possession
Location: Front Lawn

Notes: While on patrol near the east end of ODB, the CS director encountered the odor of cannabis. He determined that the odor was emanating from the small travel trailer parked on the front lawn as the odor grew strong nearby and the director observed multiple people without face coverings sitting in the smoke-filled trailer. When asked, the students confirmed that the majority of the group inside the trailer were smoking cannabis. The students provided their information then all left the area.


Case #: 220184
Date: 2022 04 30
Time: 0943
Description: Evidence of Drug Use
Location: Student Union

Notes: A CSO on patrol in the Student Union encountered unattended cannabis and psilocybin mushrooms in the Student Union. The CSO collected and disposed of the items.


Case #: 220185
Date: 2022 04 30
Time: 1336
Description: Unattended Alcohol or Drugs
Location: ODB/Sally Port

Notes: A CSO on patrol in central campus encountered a plastic easter egg in the ODB sally port. Based on the CSO’s previous Renn Fayre experience, they opened the easter egg and discovered that it contained a cannabis edible. The CSO disposed of the easter egg and alerted the CS team of the presence so that any further easter eggs discovered could be disposed of properly. 


Case #: 220186 - VOID


Case #: 220187
Date: 2022 04 30
Time: 1354
Description: Unattended Alcohol or Drugs
Location: Front Lawn

Notes: A CSO on patrol of the front lawn encountered an easter egg containing a cannabis joint. The CSO disposed of the joint. Additional easter eggs were found by CSOs on the front lawn and also disposed of properly. 


Case #: 220188
Date: 2022 04 30
Time: 1502
Description: Other Drug Use or Possession
Location: Front Lawn

Notes: A CSO on patrol of the front lawn encountered an individual using a whipped cream canister to inhale nitrous oxide. The CSO confiscated the nitrous oxide cartridge and continued on their patrol.


Case #: 220189
Date: 2022 04 30
Time: 2145
Description: Cannabis Use or Possession
Location: Sports Field

Notes: A CSO on patrol of the sports field encountered the odor of cannabis. The CSO located the odor to a student sitting near the restrooms with a blue bong beside them. As the CSO approached, the student notified the CSO that they were isolating, so the CSO kept their distance. The student confirmed that they were smoking cannabis and emptied the contents of the bong, apologizing for not following college policy. The CSO continued on their patrol.


Case #: 220190
Date: 2022 04 30
Time: 2312
Description: Evidence of Drug Use
Location: Gray Campus Center

Notes: A CSO on patrol in the GCC encountered a student who appeared to hide a whipped cream canister as the CSO approached. Given the behavior of the student and the sound of metal jingling in the student’s shoulder bag, a sound commonly associated with nitrous oxide canisters jostling together, the CSO initiated contact with the student. The student confirmed that they were in possession of whippets and remanded the canisters to the CSO. The CSO disposed of the canisters and continued on their patrol.


Case #: 220191
Date: 2022 04 30
Time: 2355
Description: Cannabis Use or Possession
Location: Central Campus

Notes: A CSO on patrol in central campus encountered a group of students sitting at a picnic table east of the Student Union. The odor of cannabis was emanating from the group, so the CSO approached. One student was holding a cannabis joint and confirmed that they were the only one in the group partaking. The student apologized and disposed of the joint. The CSO continued on their patrol. 


Case #: 220192
Date: 2022 04 30
Time: 2333
Description: Suspicious Person/Activity/Circumstances
Location: East Lot

Notes: CSOs on patrol encountered an individual yelling in the East Lot. The CSOs were approached by a member of Meat Smoke who informed them that they had been trying to calm the individual down but the individual had grown increasingly agitated. As the CSOs interacted with the agitated individual it became apparent that the individual was experiencing a psychological crisis. The CSOs contacted White Bird who responded and took over the interaction with the individual. The CS Director accompanied White Bird as they helped the person to their tent. White Bird tended to the person who was eventually (the following morning) able to leave with a friend.


Case #: 220193
Date: 2022 04 30
Time: 2349
Description: Evidence of Drug Use
Location: Central Campus

Notes: After a smoke machine had triggered the fire alarm in the GCC, the CS director was opening doors and windows to clear the smoke when they encountered two students exiting the print shop and the odor of cannabis was prominent. The director did not interact with the students at the time as the priority was the triggered alarm and smoke in the building, but later returned to the room and confirmed that the odor of cannabis was strongest in that room.


Case #: 220194
Date: 2022 05 01 
Time: 0139
Description: Suspicious Person/Activity/Circumstances
Location: Dorothy Johansen House

Notes: A CSO responded to a report of an excluded alum being on campus. The CSO met with a member of Meat Smoke who confirmed seeing the alum. The excluded alum left campus after members of Meat Smoke told them to leave.


Case #: 220195
Date: 2022 05 01
Time: 1000
Description: Evidence of Drug Use
Location: Paradox Cafe

Notes: A CSO on patrol in central campus observed multiple whippet cartridges and various alcohol containers sitting in plain view inside the Paradox cafe. The CSO entered the cafe and collected all drug paraphernalia and alcohol containers. The CSO also encountered a note left by a student requesting that people venmo them for the whippets. The report was referred to the CS Director and the Office of Student Engagement for follow up.


Case #: 220196
Date: 2022 05 01
Time: 1952
Description: Theft from Vehicle
Location: West Lot

Notes: A CSO on patrol in the West Lot encountered a parked vehicle with a shattered passenger side window. As the CSO approached, they observed that the vehicle was occupied and the occupant began waving them over. The occupant confirmed that they were the vehicle owner and they had just returned to the vehicle to discover the broken window. They also reported that a small bag of personal belongings had been taken. The CSO advised them to file a police report.

CS Survey Responses:

Every week Community Safety requests survey responses from those who've had interactions with a member of the Community Safety team. These responses are always collected anonymously with the option for the responder to leave contact information if they would like for a member of Community Safety management to contact them, and are used internally for departmental performance tracking. Community Safety has opted to publish these survey results for transparency and community accountability. *Names mentioned in survey responses will be redacted to protect the privacy of individuals.

In addition to surveys sent directly to those who have interacted with Community Safety, the 澳门六合彩开奖直播 community is always encouraged to independently complete the survey regarding Community Safety's performance.
You can take the survey here:   

Responses collected 05 02 2022
Unlock Surpassed expectations You all are great!
Escort Surpassed expectations The CSO was really kind and helpful, and helped me to my car (so I could drive myself home as per my request after having fallen down on campus) while I was feeling pretty emotionally/physically distraught which I greatly appreciated.
Unlock Met expectations
Unlock Surpassed expectations
Unlock Met expectations Thank you
Unlock Surpassed expectations