
Community Safety

Division of Student Life

Community Safety Blotter & Activity 

(To view other weekly Blotters and CS activity go here.) 


August 7, 2023 - August 13, 2023

Weekly Activity:

Alarm checks: 9
Animal issue responses: 1
AOD interactions: 1
Building patrols: 315
Candle/incense violation interactions: 0
Community assistance responses: 2
Escorts: 6
Fire responses: 0
Foot patrols: 245
Held door checks: 3
Maintenance issue responses: 1
Medical assistance responses: 1
Noise complaint responses: 0
Suspicious circumstance responses: 10
Theft reports taken: 0
Unlocks: 72
Vehicle patrols: 211
Vehicle assistance responses: 2
Welfare check responses: 0


Weekly Reports:

The office of Community Safety invites all community members to provide feedback to us on our services by using the Let Us Know How We’re Doing on our website. Feedback may be made anonymously or with your name and contact information if you would like follow up.


Narcan doses discovered missing this week: 0


Case #: 230263
Date: 2023 08 07
Time: 13:55
Description: Information Only
Location: Front Lawn

Notes: A Community Safety Manager on patrol of the front lawn saw needles stuck into a tree. While evergreens are known for their needles, these ones required a SHARPS container. The CSM called 28 West for a SHARPS container and alerted the grounds crew and maintenance to be aware of exposed needles.


Case #: 230264
Date: 2023 08 07
Time: 19:21
Description: Medical Assist - Other
Location: Academic Building

Notes: A CSO on patrol near an academic building was waved down by a bystander who alerted them that an individual had fallen. The individual consented to first aid treatment and once the injuries were cleaned and bandaged the individual left campus.


Case #: 230265
Date: 2023 08 09
Time: 21:48
Description: Cannabis Use or Possession
Location: Anna Mann

Notes: A CSO on patrol near Anna Mannn encountered the odor of cannabis. The CSO did a cursory patrol of the dorm block and identified the location of the odor. A student was present and forthright about smoking cannabis when asked. The remaining cannabis was confiscated and the CSO resumed their patrol after properly disposing of the cannabis.


Case #: 230266
Date: 2023 08 12
Time: 15:15
Description: Information Only
Location: 澳门六合彩开奖直播 College Apartments

Notes: A CSO responded to a report of a vehicle break-in at the 澳门六合彩开奖直播 College Apartments. The CSO met with a student who reported that they had found nothing missing from the vehicle, but the interior of their car had been “ransacked,” and the contents of their glove compartment had been strewn about inside the vehicle. The CSO recommended the student file a police report if they discovered that anything was indeed missing.

CS Survey Responses:

Every week Community Safety requests survey responses from those who've had interactions with a member of the Community Safety team. These responses are always collected anonymously with the option for the responder to leave contact information if they would like for a member of Community Safety management to contact them, and are used internally for departmental performance tracking. Community Safety has opted to publish these survey results for transparency and community accountability. *Names and pronouns mentioned in survey responses will be redacted to protect the privacy of individuals.

In addition to surveys sent directly to those who have interacted with Community Safety, the 澳门六合彩开奖直播 community is always encouraged to independently complete the survey regarding Community Safety's performance.
You can take the survey here:   

Responses collected 08 14 2023
Unlock Surpassed expectations n/a
Unlock Met expectations I had no problems, quick response time, got the job done
Unlock Met expectations Thanks for the assist!
Unlock Surpassed expectations
Medical Assist Below expectations I dislocated my patella in the mat room in the gym and community safety was called to assist with the situation. I was panicked and upset at the time but from what I can recall the officer never directly talked to me or asked me what I wanted, (redacted) only spoke with the other people in the room. I also remember hearing an ice pack being broken open but I was never given it. I would have expect a greater degree of communication between the officer and myself.