
Community Safety

Division of Student Life

Community Safety Blotter & Activity 

(To view other weekly Blotters and CS activity go here.) 

October 11 - October 17, 2021

Weekly Activity:

Alarm responses: 9
Animal issue responses: 2
Building patrols: 131
Escorts: 1
Foot patrols: 230
Held door checks: 14
Medical assistance responses: 6
Suspicious circumstance responses: 17
Unlocks: 84
Vehicle patrols: 195
Vehicle assistance responses: 3

Weekly Reports:


Case #: 210413
Date: 2021 10 11
Time: 0753
Description: Damage to Property/Graffiti
Location: Flagpole

Notes: A CSO on patrol observed that the American flag was no longer flying on the flagpole south of Eliot Hall. The CSO approached the flagpole and spoke with a Building Services staff person cleaning up remnants of the flag, which had been burnt. The CSO observed that the mechanism to raise the flag had been damaged and requested a work order be placed for repairs. 


Case #: 210414
Date: 2021 10 11
Time: 1038
Description: Theft - Bike
Location: German House

Notes: Dispatch received a call from a student reporting that their bike had been stolen from where it had been secured outside of the German House. The Dispatcher sympathized with the student and recommended the student report the bike stolen on Project 529.


Case #: 210415 - VOID


Case #: 210416
Date: 2021 10 12
Time: 1153
Description: Information Only
Location: GCC

Notes: A CSO responded to a report of mailbox tampering. The glass had been removed and the metal bar on the inside of the box had been pushed back. The student assigned to that box was notified and confirmed that they were not expecting any packages or mail.


Case #: 210417
Date: 2021 10 13
Time: 1545
Description: Graffiti
Location: Sports Field

Notes: CSOs performing an unlock at the Sports Field encountered new graffiti on the doors and exterior wall of the storage area. Building Services has been contacted for clean up.


Case #: 210418
Date: 2021 10 13
Time: 1654
Description: Medical Assist - Other
Location: Commons

Notes: CSOs responded to a request for medical assistance at the Commons. Upon arrival, the CSOs met with a student who stated that they had used their epipen to stop an allergic reaction. The student stated that they had already arranged a ride to a nearby medical facility for further care. The CSOs cleared from the call. 


Case #: 210419
Date: 2021 10 13
Time: 1913
Description: Medical Assist - Other
Location: 28 West

Notes: A student arrived at 28 West to request medical assistance after a minor bike accident. A CSO cleaned and bandaged the wounds. The student continued on to their residence after a short rest to recover from the accident.


Case #: 210420
Date: 2021 10 13
Time: 2112
Description: Graffiti
Location: Greenwood

Notes: CSOs encountered new graffiti on the foundation walls of Greenwood. Building Services has been contacted for clean up.


Case #: 210421
Date: 2021 10 14
Time: 0016
Description: Evidence of Drug Use
Location: Amphitheater

Notes: CSOs on an exterior patrol of GCC encountered the odor of cannabis near the amphitheater. The CSOs approached two individuals standing in that same area and inquired if they knew about the odor. The two individuals stated that they did not know anything about it. The CSOs continued on their patrol.


Case #: 210422
Date: 2021 10 14
Time: 0045
Description: Alcohol Violation/Medical Assist - Alcohol
Location: Residence Hall

Notes: CSOs responded to a request for medical assistance in a residence hall. Upon arrival, the CSOs met with two students who stated that a third student was in the bathroom vomiting after drinking too much alcohol. The CSOs referenced the yellow card, “Signs of Alcohol or Other Drug Overdose Emergencies” and determined that the student was not experiencing any urgent or emergent symptoms of alcohol overdose. The CSOs thanked the students for calling CS on behalf of their fellow student and reminded them to contact CS again if they felt it was needed.


Case #: 210423
Date: 2021 10 14
Time: 1134
Description: Medical Assist - Other
Location: PAB

Notes: CSOs responded to a request for medical assistance in the PAB. Upon arrival, the CSOs met with a student who had experienced an episode of a known medical condition. The CSOs remained with the student until they felt recovered. While the student initially stated that they would like to go to the HCC for evaluation, they ended up stating that they were going home instead and would follow up with a medical professional on their own. 


Case #: 210424
Date: 2021 10 15
Time: 0236
Description: Exclusion/Trespass
Location: Birchwood Apartments

Notes: A CSO responded to a report of an unknown individual lying on the lawn north of Sequoia residence hall. Upon arrival, the CSO recognized the individual lying on the grass from a previous interaction. When the CSO attempted to interact with the individual, the individual began shouting racial slurs at the CSO. When the CSO attempted to inform the individual that they needed to leave the campus, the individual shouted over them. The CSO then stated that the individual would be excluded from the property if they did not leave, and at that point the individual stood up and threatened to “stab” the CSO “to death,” and spit at them, while moving towards them. Based on the threat, the CSO requested Portland Police Bureau (PPB) response. The individual had walked from Sequoia to the Birchwoods by the time PPB arrived. PPB engaged the individual, informing them that they needed to leave the campus and not return. The individual was trespassed from campus, but not arrested. 


Case #: 210425
Date: 2021 10 15
Time: 0919
Description: Theft - Other
Location: Art Building

Notes: A CSO took a theft report from a 澳门六合彩开奖直播 faculty member. The faculty member stated that multiple outdoor items had been taken. Missing items included a large outdoor tent, outdoor sink, water hose, and sandbags. The CSO and the faculty member performed a thorough search around the building exterior to ensure all doors were secured and there were no other missing items.


Case #: 210426
Date: 2021 10 15
Time: 1123
Description: Damage to Property/Theft from Structure
Location: GCC/Band Practice Room

Notes: A CSO took a report of theft from a 澳门六合彩开奖直播 staff member. The staff member stated that the card reader for entering the Band Practice space was missing and that there was also new graffiti on the door.


Case #: 210427
Date: 2021 10 15
Time: 1155
Description: Graffiti
Location: Vollum

Notes: A CSO on patrol encountered new graffiti in a Vollum bathroom. Building Services has been contacted for clean up.


Case #: 210428
Date: 2021 10 15
Time: 1430
Description: Information Only
Location: 28 West

Notes: A student arrived at 28 West to discuss their concerns regarding personal safety in residence halls. A CSO offered safety strategies including situational awareness and documentation and assured the student that the college is taking residence hall safety extremely seriously.


Case #: 210429
Date: 2021 10 15
Time: 1959
Description: Theft of Motor Vehicle
Location: West Lot

Notes: A CSO on patrol was approached by a Bon Appétit staff member who reported that their vehicle had been stolen from the West Lot during their shift. The vehicle is a black 1999 Honda Civic with damage on the front driver’s side fender and a dent on the bumper. The CSO took a report and also suggested the staff member file a report with the Portland Police Bureau.


Case #: 210430
Date: 2021 10 16
Time: 0050
Description: Medical Assist - Alcohol
Location: Residence Hall

Notes: CSOs responded to a request for medical assistance. Upon arrival, they met with a student and their guest, who had become ill after consuming alcohol and cannabis. The CSOs determined that the guest was not displaying any  urgent or emergent symptoms of alcohol overdose. A CSO assisted the ill guest to the student’s room where the student could comfortably keep them company while they recovered. The CSOs encouraged the student to contact CS again if any further assistance became needed.


Case #: 210431 - VOID


Case #: 210432
Date: 2021 10 16
Time: 0342
Description: Damage to Property/Theft from Vehicle
Location: Lower North Lot

Notes: A CSO on patrol encountered a vehicle that had the driver’s side window broken. The CSO inspected the vehicle and was unable to determine whether or not any items were missing. Building Services was contacted for glass clean up. Unfortunately, the damaged vehicle is not registered with CS so the owner was unable to be contacted.


Case #: 210433 - VOID


Case #: 210434
Date: 2021 10 16
Time: 2248
Description: Threat Assessment
Location: 28 West

Notes: A threat assessment was completed based on a report of student threats.


Case #: 210435
Date: 2021 10 17
Time: 0228
Description: Medical Transport - Other
Location: Residence Hall

Notes: CSOs responded to a request for medical assistance in a residence hall. Upon arrival, the CSOs met with a student experiencing a possible medical emergency. The student confirmed that they wanted to be evaluated at a nearby medical facility so American Medical Response was contacted and transported the student.


Case #: 210436
Date: 2021 10 17
Time: 0329
Description: Medical Assist - Other
Location: 28 West

Notes: A CS staff member began experiencing medical distress. American Medical Response (AMR) was contacted and evaluated the staff member. AMR determined that no medical transport was necessary.