
Community Safety

Division of Student Life

Community Safety Blotter & Activity 

(To view other weekly Blotters and CS activity go here.) 


October 3, 2022 - October 9, 2022

Weekly Activity:

Alarm checks: 7
Animal issue responses: 0
AOD interactions: 1
Building patrols: 195
Candle/incense violation interactions: 1
Community assistance responses: 1
Escorts: 10
Fire responses: 1
Foot patrols: 326
Held door checks: 16
Maintenance issue responses: 0
Medical assistance responses: 2
Noise complaint responses: 3
Suspicious circumstance responses: 17
Theft reports taken: 1
Unlocks: 85
Vehicle patrols: 163
Vehicle assistance responses: 1
Welfare check responses: 1


Weekly Reports:


The office of Community Safety invites all community members to provide feedback to us on our services by using the Let Us Know How We’re Doing on our website. Feedback may be made anonymously or with your name and contact information if you would like follow up.


Case #: 220365
Date: 2022 10 03
Time: 0018
Description: Noise Complaint
Location: 澳门六合彩开奖直播 College Apartments

Notes: A CSO responded to a noise complaint at the 澳门六合彩开奖直播 College Apartments. The CSO spoke with the tenant about whom the complaint was made, and the tenant apologized for disturbing their neighbor and said they would discontinue the activity causing the noise. 


Case #: 220366 - VOID


Case #: 220367
Date: 2022 10 04
Time: 2009
Description: Fire
Location: Foster

Notes: A CSO responded to a fire alarm at Foster residence hall. Upon arrival, the CSO observed that residents had evacuated the building and spoke with a student holding a fire extinguisher. The student stated that they had used the extinguisher to put out a small fire in a resident’s room. The student led the CSO to the room but due to the amount of smoke in the area the CSO and student exited the building after the CSO confirmed that there was no visible fire remaining. Portland Fire arrived on scene and assessed the situation. The initial determination was that the fire was caused by burning sage or incense. After Portland Fire determined that the fire was completely extinguished and no further danger remained, building services began cleaning the room. The student who occupied the room was offered alternate housing while the room was being cleaned of fire, smoke, and fire extinguisher residue. 


Case #: 220368
Date: 2022 10 05
Time: 2343
Description: Information Only
Location: Doyle

Notes: CSOs responded to a report of the odor of incense in Doyle. The CSOs located the source of the odor and made contact with the resident. The resident confirmed that they had been burning incense and apologized for the disturbance caused by the odor. The CSOs reminded them that the housing contract prohibits burning incense or candels in dorm rooms and cleared from the call.


Case #: 220369
Date: 2022 10 06
Time: 0144
Description: Noise Complaint
Location: 澳门六合彩开奖直播 College Apartments

Notes: A CSO responded to a noise complaint at the 澳门六合彩开奖直播 College Apartments. The CSOs spoke to both parties involved, and the parties are working on a satisfactory resolution to the recurring problem. 


Case #: 220370
Date: 2022 10 06
Time: 2229
Description: Information Only
Location: GCC Pool Hall

Notes: A CSO on patrol of the Pool Hall encountered unattended alcohol in the Pool Hall Manager’s office. While the CSO was in the process of collecting the alcohol, a student entered and stated that it was their alcohol. The student was of legal drinking age and informed the CSO that they had been told they could store the alcohol there while they were in the pool hall but could not store it overnight. The CSO apologized for any misunderstanding and returned the alcohol to the student. 


Case #: 220371
Date: 2022 10 07
Time: 1431
Description: Theft - Bike
Location: Naito Hall

Notes: A CSO responded to a report of a bike theft at Naito Hall. The CSO met with a student who reported that they had two bikes secured to the bike rack outside of Naito Hall and both were missing. One bike is a red and blue Fuji and the other is a cream and navy colored Schwinn. The student stated that they would also file a report with the Portland Police Bureau. 


Case #: 220372
Date: 2022 10 07
Time: 1923
Description: Medical Assist - Other
Location: Administrative building

Notes: A CSO responded to a request for medical assistance at an administrative building. The CSO met with a staff member who was feeling unwell after donating blood. The CSO assessed the staff member who continued to feel unwell, and their condition deteriorated during the assessment. Dispatch contacted American Medical Response (AMR) for further medical care. AMR arrived and assessed the staff member. The paramedics recommended further care at a medical facility. The staff member declined an ambulance ride to the medical facility and stated that they would get a ride from a friend if their symptoms did not improve. 


Case #: 220373
Date: 2022 10 08
Time: 0014
Description: Alcohol Violation
Location: GCC Pool Hall

Notes: CSOs on patrol of GCC observed a student concealing a bottle of alcohol when the CSOs entered the Pool Hall. The student then exited the Pool Hall and went into the restroom. The CSOs retrieved the alcohol from where it had been placed and waited for the student to exit the restroom. The CSOs spoke with the student, after they exited the restroom, who confirmed that they were not of legal drinking age and that they were aware of the 澳门六合彩开奖直播 alcohol policy. The CSOs disposed of the alcohol and continued on their patrol.


Case #: 220374
Date: 2022 10 08
Time: 2353
Description: Disorderly Conduct
Location: Student Union

Notes: A CSO on patrol in Central Campus sighted three students standing on the roof of the Student Union. The CSO requested the students come down off of the roof, which they did. The students apologized and the CSO continued on with their patrol. 


Case #: 220375
Date: 2022 10 09
Time: 0003
Description: Medical Amnesty/Medical Assist - Alcohol/Alcohol Violation
Location: Northwest quadrant Bouncy Bridge

Notes: The CS director responded to a request for assistance on the bouncy bridge. Upon arrival, the director met with four students, one of whom was possibly experiencing a mental health crisis. The director spoke with the student and assessed them for signs of alcohol or other drug overdose. The student stated that they had drank a little alcohol and had ingested no other substances. After conversing for a few minutes the student was able to walk to their residence with minimal assistance from their friends. The director determined that it was safe for the student to return to their residence with their friends. The director encouraged the student and their friends to call Community Safety if the student’s condition worsened and also provided them with a “green card” containing mental health resources and phone numbers. 


CS Survey Responses:

Every week Community Safety requests survey responses from those who've had interactions with a member of the Community Safety team. These responses are always collected anonymously with the option for the responder to leave contact information if they would like for a member of Community Safety management to contact them, and are used internally for departmental performance tracking. Community Safety has opted to publish these survey results for transparency and community accountability. *Names and pronouns mentioned in survey responses will be redacted to protect the privacy of individuals.

In addition to surveys sent directly to those who have interacted with Community Safety, the 澳门六合彩开奖直播 community is always encouraged to independently complete the survey regarding Community Safety's performance.
You can take the survey here:   

Responses collected 10 10 2022

Reporting a Theft Met expectations Gave good advice and responded quickly. Didn't find my bike though.
Escort Met expectations
Escort Met expectations
Other Complaints or Comments (please specify) Dorm fire Met expectations I’m conflicted about the following: The dorm room’s alarm was going off but the building’s alarm did not go off until after the door had been opened and smoke had entered the building’s hallway. Because of this, we only noticed the alarm after one of my friends had entered the common room claiming to have possibly seen a fire. Then, we went to investigate, confirm, and put out the fire. Had the building alarm gone off, we would have evacuated without ever investigating it, thus the fire wouldn’t have been put out until the fire department arrived or the sprinklers gone off. Because only the room went off, we responded, but I worry about what would have happened if no one had noticed the alarm or the flames like we had. Is only room room alarm intended to go off to encourage first response like we performed or was the entire building meant to go off?
Unlock Surpassed expectations Quick and courteous as usual. Thanks!
Medical Assist Surpassed expectations Officers were very kind, seemed very happy to be there rather then displaying annoyance.
Unlock Surpassed expectations
Unlock Surpassed expectations
Unlock Met expectations
Reporting a Theft Met expectations CSOS we’re very helpful, however I have a complaint to 澳门六合彩开奖直播 in general. For 80+thousand dollars a year, 澳门六合彩开奖直播 should have cameras at the very least in the parking lots. Most college campuses (especially expensive private schools) have cameras. 澳门六合彩开奖直播 especially, since car theft seems to be an issue on campus. This has already happened to me twice not to mention other students. If someone could please relay this information to whoever can get anything done. It’s really an issue. Again, CSOS we’re great about the issue, 澳门六合彩开奖直播 needs to do soemthing to stop this from happening again.
Medical Assist Met expectations a cso gave me bandaids and neosporin, then I dealt with it myself. medical assist seems a bit dramatic for what happened
Unlock Surpassed expectations
Unlock Surpassed expectations Fast, friendly, perfect. No complaints at all. (Redacted)
Unlock Met expectations Everything works very well thank you 🙏🏻
Unlock Met expectations
Unlock Surpassed expectations I’m not sure what the CSO’s name was but they were very nice!
Unlock Met expectations
Unlock Surpassed expectations It was gr8
Medical Assist Met expectations They assisted us to the most of their capacity and then properly directed us to get professional help. It was clear they cared, were respectful and tried their best to be sensitive of personal boundaries.