
Community Safety

Division of Student Life

Community Safety Blotter & Activity 

(To view other weekly Blotters and CS activity go here.) 

September 27 - October 3, 2021

Weekly Activity:

Building patrols: 167
Foot patrols: 308
Segway patrols: 2
Vehicle patrols: 197
Held door checks: 20
Escorts: 1
Unlocks: 69
Suspicious circumstance responses: 12

Weekly Reports:

Case #: 210384
Date: 2021 09 27
Time: 0618
Description: Detector Violation
Location: Abington

Notes: A CSO responded to a fire alarm in Abington. The CSO met with the occupant of the room that triggered the alarm and the occupant stated that the detector light was keeping them awake so they removed the detector. The CSO explained that the detectors must remain active for everyone’s safety. The occupant understood and plugged the detector back in. 


Case #: 210385
Date: 2021 09 27
Time: 2016
Description: VOID
Location: VOID
Notes: VOID


Case #: 210386
Date: 2021 09 27
Time: 2103
Description: Damage to Property
Location: GCC

Notes: A CSO enroute to patrol the nuclear reactor accidentally ran over a large rock near the GCC. The CSO inspected the vehicle and observed that the vehicle was positioned over the rock in a way that it would be best to have the vehicle lifted off of the rock. Dispatch contacted a towing service to safely lift the vehicle off of the rock. The CSO then returned the vehicle to 28 West to be inspected further.


Case #: 210387
Date: 2021 09 28
Time: 2248
Description: Medical Assist - Other
Location: Residence Hall

Notes: CSOs were dispatched to provide medical assistance to a student in a residence hall. The CSOs arrived and met with the student along with the party that had called for assistance. The injured student had fallen and suffered injuries. The CSOs examined the student’s injuries and recommended the student be seen by a medical professional. The student declined medical assistance. After the CSOs again strongly recommended professional medical assistance and the student again declined, the CSOs offered to assist the student to their room, which the student also declined. As there was nothing more the CSOs could do to help, they cleared from the call. 


Case #: 210388
Date: 2021 09 29
Time: 1814
Description: Theft - Computer
Location: GCC

Notes: A CSO responded to a report of theft. The CSO met with a student who reported that they had briefly left their computer in a GCC room with the door propped open, as the student explained that they had not been issued keys for that room, and when they returned their laptop was gone. The student had been unsuccessful in locating the computer using a finder app and while reporting the theft the student received an alert that their computer’s password was trying to be reset. The student left to attempt to locate the computer. 


Case #: 210389
Date: VOID
Time: VOID
Description: VOID
Location: VOID
Notes: VOID


Case #: 210390
Date: VOID
Time: VOID
Description: VOID
Location: VOID
Notes: VOID


Case #: 210391
Date: 2021 09 30
Time: 0201
Description: Trespass/Exclusion/Subject with Weapon
Location: Art Building

Notes: A CSO on patrol encountered a bike with several miscellaneous items tied to it lying on the ground outside of the Art building. Upon closer inspection of the immediate area, the CSO observed an individual inside the ceramic studio leaning against the wall, charging their phone. The CSO motioned a request for the individual to step outside of the building, which they did. The CSO observed that the individual had multiple knives attached to their waistband, one of which had a 10” blade, and the individual was holding a metallic knuckle ring. The individual explained that they had entered the building to charge their phone, and when asked how they entered the building, the individual stated that the door had been unlocked. The CSO then confirmed that the door was unlocked at that time. The CSO advised the individual that they needed to leave campus, and should they return they would be trespassing and the Portland Police would be contacted. The individual understood and thanked the CSO for their “humanity.” The CSO maintained visual contact until the individual was off campus. Approximately 20 minutes later while on vehicle patrol  in the East Lot, the CSO again encountered the individual. The CSO approached the individual and advised them that they were trespassing and the Portland Police would be contacted. The individual apologized and left campus, walking east along Woodstock Blvd. The CSO observed the individual then turn and walk into the driveway of a 澳门六合彩开奖直播 owned house and back toward the East Lot. The CSO requested Dispatch contact Portland Police. The CSO approached the individual again and informed them that Portland Police had been contacted and requested they leave campus. The individual complied, leaving campus, and the CSO maintained visual contact until the individual was well off campus. The CSO requested police assistance be canceled and cleared from the area. 


Case #: 210392
Date: 2021 09 30
Time: 0951
Description: Trespass
Location: Greenwood

Notes: A CSO on patrol encountered a known non-community member standing outside of Greenwood taking a COVID test. The CSO entered the building and asked the staff inside if they knew if the individual was a member of the 澳门六合彩开奖直播 community. The staff member stated that the individual had identified themself as a new 澳门六合彩开奖直播 employee and did not have ID. The staff member had sent an email to HR requesting confirmation. While speaking with the CSO the staff member received confirmation that there was no new employee with the name the individual had given to the staff member. The CSO then exited the building and engaged the individual in conversation. The CSO reminded the individual of their past encounters and that because they had attempted on multiple occasions to access 澳门六合彩开奖直播 buildings under false pretenses, the individual was excluded and needed to leave campus. After some conversation, the individual eventually agreed to leave campus and stated that the next time they came onto campus they would be more discrete. The CSO clarified that the individual was not welcome on campus unless they became employed with 澳门六合彩开奖直播 College or were admitted as a student. The individual acknowledged that they understood and left campus. 


Case #: 210393
Date: 2021 09 30
Time: 1807
Description: Theft of Motor Vehicle
Location: North Lot - Upper

Notes: A CSO on patrol near the North Lot was flagged down by a 澳门六合彩开奖直播 employee. The employee reported that their vehicle had been stolen. They had parked it in the North Lot earlier that day and when they returned it was missing. The employee stated that this was the third time their vehicle had been stolen (but only the first time on 澳门六合彩开奖直播 property) and that as a result of the previous thefts they knew what steps they needed to take. They stated that their partner was on their way to pick them up. The CSO sympathized with the employee and relayed that they would write up a report and that the employee could obtain a copy of it in case it was needed. 


Case #: 210394
Date: 2021 09 30
Time: 2009
Description: Medical Assist - Other
Location: Residence Hall

Notes: CSOs responded to a request for medical assistance in a residence hall. The CSOs arrived and met with the student requiring assistance along with two other students who were assisting the student. The student had fallen and had not sustained any injuries to their knowledge, but the CSO recommended that the student be evaluated by a medical professional. The student decided that they wanted to go to a medical facility for evaluation. One of the students offering assistance looked up options and arranged for a ride. The CSOs provided the students with a vehicle transport to 28 West where they met the ride that had been arranged. 


Case #: 210395
Date: 2021 10 01 
Time: 1606
Description: Theft of Motor Vehicle
Location: North Lot - Upper

Notes: A CSO was dispatched to the North Lot to take a report of a stolen vehicle. Upon arrival, the CSO met with a 澳门六合彩开奖直播 student who reported that their vehicle had been stolen. The student was quite visibly upset. Another nearby student approached the CSO and reported that they had seen a vehicle matching the description of the student’s vehicle speeding out of the North Lot earlier that day. The student whose vehicle was missing contacted Portland Police while the CSO was present and the CSO relayed that the CS report would be available to the student should it be needed for insurance purposes. The CSO sympathized with the student and cleared from the call.  


Case #: 210396
Date: 2021 10 01
Time: 1824
Description: Theft from Vehicle
Location: West Lot

Notes: A CSO was dispatched to the West Lot to take a report of a stolen catalytic converter. The CSO met with a student who reported that they had parked their vehicle in the West Lot a week before and when they returned to their vehicle that day they discovered that their catalytic converter had been stolen. The CSO sympathized with the student and relayed that the report would be available for insurance purposes if needed.


Case #: 210397
Date: 2021 10 01
Time: 2029
Description: Medical Transport - Other
Location: Residence Hall

Notes: A CSO was dispatched to provide medical assistance in a residence hall. Upon arrival, the CSO met with a student who had accidentally cut themself. The CSO inspected the injury and provided the necessary initial first aid. The CSO recommended the student be evaluated at a nearby medical facility. The student agreed and stated that they would order an Uber for a ride to a nearby medical facility and the CSO cleared from the call. 


Case #: 210398
Date: 2021 10 01
Time: 2109
Description: Damage to Property
Location: Land Bridge

Notes: While on vehicle patrol near the Land Bridge, a CSO accidentally ran over a border rock causing some damage to the undercarriage of the vehicle. 


Case #: 210399
Date: 2021 10 02
Time: 1318
Description: Information Only
Location: 28 West

Notes: A student arrived at 28 West to report that they had experienced what they considered to be bullying by fellow 澳门六合彩开奖直播 students. The student reported that they believed the bullying stemmed from an occurrence last summer. The student stated that they had also contacted Student Life for guidance and possible resolution, and that they would contact CS again if they did not hear back from Student Life. 

Case #: 210400
Date: 2021 10 03
Time: 0137
Description: Medical Assistance - Alcohol/Alcohol Violation
Location: Residence Hall

Notes: A CSO was dispatched to a residence hall to check on a student possibly exhibiting signs of alcohol poisoning. Upon arrival, the CSO met with the student who was conscious and able to answer the CSO’s questions. The student stated that they had consumed multiple alcoholic beverages and cannabis at an off-campus party. According to the CS Yellow Card, “Signs of Alcohol or Other Drug Overdose Emergencies,” the student was not presenting with any urgent or emergent symptoms. The student vomited multiple times during the interaction and stated that they had begun to feel much better after vomiting. The student declined further medical evaluation and a fellow student offered to remain with the intoxicated student for two hours, and to call CS if their friend’s condition worsened rather than improved.