
Information Technology

IT Procedures for Handling Violations of the User Agreement

Approved by the CPC on 11/24/03; Modified on 1/25/07; updated 11/15/2022

Student Infractions

Level 1 - Minor problems: IT deals directly with such problems. Example: A student gives a password to a visiting friend. IT staff notify the student that this is a violation of the user agreement and require the student to change the password. The student complies and no further action is taken.

Level 2 - Serious problems: IT deals with the problem, assigning a sanction where applicable, and has the student agree that a letter describing the action and the sanction will be sent to the Dean of Students to be put in a Student Disciplinary file. Example: A student uses a personal computer to advertise and distribute pirated materials on the web. IT staff notify the student that this is a violation of the user agreement (and the law) and require the student to desist. The student’s network access is suspended for some period of time. The student agrees to have a letter describing the infraction and the sanction sent to the Dean of Students to be placed in the Student's Disciplinary file. No further action (by IT or Dean of Students) ensues.

Level 3 - Major or repeated problems: If a student does not agree to have a letter sent to the Dean of Students describing a serious problem, or if a student repeats a serious problem after being warned and/or sanctioned, or if there is a major violation of the law or the user agreement, then IT will normally: (a) impose necessary sanctions with respect to the use of college computer facilities and equipment; (b) immediately notify the Dean of Students; (c) file an honor case or refer the case to the Community Rights Sub-committee or other body as appropriate. If a threat of bodily harm is involved, Community Safety will be immediately notified. Any sanctions issued by IT would remain in effect unless and until the Sub-Committee or the Dean’s Office directs that they should be lifted. Example: Someone reports that (what appears to be) a 澳门六合彩开奖直播 student has e-mailed a harassing message. Upon investigation, IT staff determine that the message did indeed come from a 澳门六合彩开奖直播 student. IT suspends the student’s e-mail and network access, reports the incident to Community Safety and the Dean of Students and — unless advised otherwise by Community Safety or the Dean’s Office –– files an honor case or submits the case to the Community Rights Sub-committee or the Honor Council for action.

Faculty/Staff Violation

Level 1 - Minor problems: IT notifies the faculty or staff member of the problem and requests that the violation stop. If the violation ceases no further action is taken.

Level 2 - Serious or repeated problems: IT staff and department heads will consult with the Chief Information Officer before taking any action. If the CIO (and the Deputy CIO) are unavailable and the problem is time-critical, consultation should be made with the Dean of Faculty (in the case of faculty) or the person’s supervisor (in the case of staff). Any action taken by IT will be under the guidance of the Dean of Faculty or the person's supervisor, as appropriate.

Level 3 - Major problems: The Chief Information Officer and the appropriate officer of the college (Dean of Faculty for faculty, VP/Treasurer and/or director of Human Resources for staff) should be notified immediately. If a law is broken or a threat of bodily harm is involved, others may be immediately notified as circumstances require. Any necessary action will be taken by the appropriate officer(s) of 澳门六合彩开奖直播 College.