
Teaching with Technology

Moodle Quiz for students

Your professors may use the the Quiz activity in Moodle for assessment. Moodle quizzes are very adaptable, and professors use them in a variety of ways. If you have questions about specific quizzes, contact your professor.

Timed quizzes

  • Many professors use timed quizzes. If your quiz is timed, you will see an alert before you begin. Once you begin the quiz, you will not be able to stop the timer.
  • Your quiz attempt will be submitted automatically at the end of your allotted time, whether you have completed the quiz or not.
  • You will see a timer at the top of the page once you begin a timed quiz. You may hide it if you wish.
Moodle quiz attempt with an arrow pointing to the timer

  • If you are done before the end of your allotted time, or if you are taking an untimed quiz, be sure to click the Submit all and finish button at the end of the quiz to submit it.
Moodle quiz summary page with the Submit all and finish option highlighted

  • Be sure you have let your professor know about any approved accommodations for extra time on timed assignments. Your professor will issue you an override in Moodle to provide you with extra time on each quiz in accordance with your accommodation.

Quiz results

  • Moodle automatically grades some types of quiz questions. You may be able to see automatically graded results immediately, or you may have to return to the quiz later, after it closes, to see your results. If there are essays or other questions that need to be reviewed manually, your professor will let you know when those results are available.
  • After your quiz has been graded, you will see your score and the option to review your quiz when you return to the quiz in Moodle.
Moodle quiz view with option to review a quiz attempt highlighted

  • In the quiz review, you will be able to see correct answers for automatically graded questions as well as any comments from your professor on your work.
Example of Moodle quiz results page