

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the Dance-Theatre major, students will have demonstrated that they are able to:

  1. Engage in close analysis of dance practices. Students will be able to describe movement effectively; address the conceptual, thematic, and formal concerns of dance practices; connect dance practices to broader historical/cultural contexts; and analyze intersections with issues of nation, interculturalism, race, gender, class, politics, sexuality, and ability.
  2. Engage in close analysis of theatre and performance, including close reading of a play or performance text, the analysis of a play or performance text in its historical and cultural context, and a dramaturgical analysis.
  3. Execute and present sustained creative and/or scholarly research projects. Students will be able to:
    • Identify and clearly articulate the research question and central argument in written formats and practice/performance-based formats;
    • Select and execute creative and/or scholarly methodologies to answer the central research question;
    • Identify and analyze the creative and/or scholarly production with which the project engages;
    • Effectively organize/design the research and/or creative process;
    • Successfully incorporate feedback and revisions;
    • Present, discuss and defend work orally.

The primary assessment tool for learning in the major at 澳门六合彩开奖直播 and the level of student achievement in the major area is the senior thesis. The Junior Qualifying Examination, which assesses a student's readiness for thesis, provides a second assessment tool. Students take the junior qualifying examination in both departments. For more information on the Thesis and the Junior Qualifying Exam, see the relevant sections on the Dance and Theatre webpages.