
Disability & Accessibility Resources

Division of Student Life

Tips for Students with Disabilities

All students at 澳门六合彩开奖直播, with or without disabilities, will experience challenges that may require adaptation and extra supports. Here are some tips that may help students get the most out of the educational opportunities at 澳门六合彩开奖直播:

Recommended resources and strategies for students with disabilities

Area of Challenge


Time management:

Many learning disabilities, medical or psychological concerns, and medications can slow the brain’s processing speed, and may even interfere with the ability to plan and organize. Many students with these concerns may require longer periods of time to read and understand material.

  • Students may benefit from balancing course loads each semester in order to avoid having multiple courses with heavy reading and/or writing requirements.
  • Students may benefit from taking reduced course loads if they have the flexibility and financial ability to make up the courses at another time. Please note: If students wish to enroll in a reduced load (underload) for reduced tuition, they must secure advance approval from their advisor and the administration committee or their division. Smaller course loads may affect financial aid and students are strongly encouraged to discuss possible implications and considerations with financial aid and the registrar prior to reducing their course loads.
  • A referral to Disability & Accessibility Resources may be helpful if students would benefit from organizational coaching, or other resources.

Learning challenges in specific areas:

Some learning difficulties strongly affect specific academic areas or subjects (e.g. math, writing). Students with these types of learning disabilities may be successful in most classes, but encounter great difficulty in others.

  • Students with these types of disabilities are strongly encouraged to contact Disability & Accessibility Resources as soon as they realize they will be taking classes in which their learning disabilities are likely to be more apparent.
  • Balancing course loads may be very important during semesters in which those courses are taken in order to maximize the time the student has each week to complete assignments and prepare for class.
  • Individual tutoring may be particularly beneficial for students taking those classes in which their learning disabilities may impact their performance.

Awareness of support and accommodations that are available:

Simply realizing that there is support for students regarding managing their disabilities can be helpful in reducing stress and encouraging strong academic performance.

  • DAR staff members are available to consult with students regarding the possible accommodations or strategies for managing a variety of learning difficulties.
  • Students are encouraged to contact DAR at any time if they have questions or concerns about accommodations and/or factors that may be interfering with their learning or academic performance.
  • Other sources of supportive resources include the services provided by Academic Support, the Health and Counseling Center, and other offices in Student Life. Please click here for more information about the departments within the division of Student Life.

We are here to provide relevant information and assistance for students as they navigate the academic program at 澳门六合彩开奖直播. Please contact us at dar@reed.edu if you have any questions or concerns.