
Greek, Latin, and Ancient Mediterranean Studies

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the GLAM major, a student will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate familiarity with and understanding of classical scholarship:
    • demonstrate knowledge of the tools used for research in classical studies
    • demonstrate knowledge of at least one research area
    • analyze texts, material culture, or other sorts of evidence appropriate to the research topic
    • engage with primary sources in Greek or Latin as appropriate to the research topic 
    • critique and evaluate secondary sources 
  2. Execute a sustained research project:
    • choose and define a research topic from the major field or fields
    • develop a clear methodology appropriate to the research topic
    • independently investigate that topic with the support of an adviser
    • develop, critique, and evaluate a bibliography of primary and secondary sources appropriate to the research topic
    • produce original work
    • respond effectively to feedback
  3. Communicate work done:
    • write a persuasive and coherent document that is substantially longer than a traditional research paper or project and produced and formatted in a style appropriate to the field 
    • present, discuss and defend their work orally 

Upon completion of the interdisciplinary Religion-Ancient Mediterranean Studies major, a student will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate familiarity with and understanding of theory and method in the study of religion as well as classical scholarship:
    • engage with major trends of thought concerning theories and methods in the academic study of religion
    • demonstrate knowledge of the tools used for research in classical studies and religion
    • demonstrate knowledge of at least one research area
    • analyze texts, material culture, or other sorts of evidence appropriate to the research topic
    • engage with primary sources in Greek or Latin as appropriate to the research topic 
    • critique and evaluate theoretical work in the study of religion
    • critique and evaluate other secondary sources 
  2. Execute a sustained research project:
    • choose and define a research topic that draws on the perspectives of both disciplines
    • develop a clear methodology appropriate to the research topic
    • independently investigate that topic with the support of an adviser
    • develop, critique, and evaluate a bibliography of primary and secondary sources appropriate to the research topic
    • produce original work that draws connections between the two disciplines
    • respond effectively to feedback
  3. Communicate work done:
    • write a persuasive and coherent document that is substantially longer than a traditional research paper or project and produced and formatted in a style appropriate to the field 
    • present, discuss and defend their work orally 

The primary assessment tool for learning in the major at 澳门六合彩开奖直播 and the level of student achievement in the major area is the senior thesis. The junior qualifying examination, which assesses a student's readiness for thesis, provides a second assessment tool. For more information on the thesis and the qual, see information for current students as well as the thesis handbook and the junior qual handbook.