
Teaching with Technology

Moodle Quizzes

The Moodle is a highly adaptable way to give assessments. It offers a variety of question types, some with automatic grading.

There are many options for Moodle quizzes. Contact us at moodle@reed.edu with questions or for help setting up a quiz with specific parameters.

Quiz settings

Most faculty use the default settings for quizzes. If you have questions about any quiz settings categories, please contact us at moodle@reed.edu.


  • If you would like, select the checkboxes next to the Open the quiz and Close the quiz options to set quiz opening and closing dates and times. Students will only be able to access the quiz during those times.
  • You can also set a time limit on the amount of time that students have to complete the quiz. If you do so, we suggest you keep the When time expires setting to "Open attempts are submitted automatically." You can issue overrides to any students who need extra time on the quiz.
Moodle quiz settings showing timing options


By default, Moodle quizzes allow unlimited attempts. Most faculty prefer to limit students to a single attempt. To do so, under Grade, change Attempts allowed from unlimited to 1.

Moodle quiz settings showing grade options with attemps set to 1

Question behavior

The default settings for question behavior work well for traditional quizzes. If you would like to set up a quiz in which students can attempt each question more than once, you will need to change the settings for How questions behave. Please contact us to talk about your needs, and we can recommend the best solution.

Review options

By default, students will be able to see which questions they got wrong and the correct answers, as well as their final score on the quiz and other information, as soon as they finish the quiz. To prevent students from seeing this information immediately,

  • Use the options under Timing to set a closing date for your exam.
  • Under the Immediately after the attempt and the Later, while the quiz is still open columns, remove the check marks next to The attempt, Maximum points, and Overall feedback. The other options will be turned off (grayed out) once you disable these.
  • Make sure all relevant options are enabled under the After the quiz has closed column.
Moodle quiz settings showing review options with only checkboxes under Later, after quiz has closed checked.

Safe exam browser

We do not recommend the use of the safe exam browser in Moodle.

Adding and editing questions

Once you have created your quiz, you can begin to add questions. As you add questions, they will be stored in the question bank for your course. You can then reuse questions in different quizzes if you like.

Adding questions

  • Select the Add question option. You will be taken to the questions page for your quiz, which will be blank at this point.
Moodle quiz with Add question button highlighted

  • Choose the small red Add option on the lower right of the page. You can choose to either add a new question or a question from the question bank (or a random question, which is rarely used). Choose a new question.
Moodle quiz question page with the option to add new question highlighted

  • Choose the question type you would like to use. You will then see the question editing page, which is specific to the question type. See below for more information on different question types in Moodle.
Moodle quiz question type chooser.

  • Give your question a name. The name will not be visible to students; however, it will help you identify the question in the question bank if necessary.
  • Provide question text and answers, depending on question type, then save the question.

Follow the same steps to add additional questions to your quiz.

You can also add questions from the question bank.

  • Choose that option from the Add menu, and then search for your question in the question bank. Click the red + sign next to the question to add a single question, or check the boxes next to multiple questions and then click the Add selected questions to the quiz button.
Moodle question back with questions selected to be added to a quiz.

  • If you have many similar questions, you might find it helpful to use the question bank features to create one question and then copy and edit it to create additional questions. Select Question bank from the quiz menu to get started. We are happy to help if you have questions about using the question bank.

Organizing your quiz

  • Once your questions are added you can reorganize them on the questions page for your quiz. Click on the cross icon and then drag and drop questions on the questions to move them.
  • You can change the number of points each question is worth, as well as the overall points, from the questions page. Some grading methods, including offering extra credit, can be complicated for quizzes. Contact us to discuss options.
  • By default, Moodle quizzes add a page break between each question. You may want to group more questions together on each page. Click on the Remove page break icon next to the page number to remove the break. You can add a break between any questions by clicking on the Add page break icon. 
Moodle quiz questions page with arrows pointing toward and labels indicating the icon to move a question, the icon to add or remove a page break, and the box to edit question points.

Moodle automatically saves quiz progress, but work in progress on a single page my not be fully recoverable. We suggest limiting the number of questions per page, especially if the questions require text input. That way, if a student experiences loss of connectivity during their quiz, their answers are more likely to be saved. 

Editing your quiz

  • Choose the Questions page for the quiz menu to edit your quiz layout or questions.
  • Use the magnifying glass icon to the right of each question to see how it will look on the quiz. A new window will appear, and you will have the option to fill in the correct response to be sure that the question is set up properly.
Moodle quiz question preview with option to Fill in correct responses highlighted.

  • Choose the gear icon to the left of each question to edit a question.
  • Use the trash icon to the right of a question to remove it from the quiz. Removing a question from the quiz will not remove it from the question bank.
Moodle quiz questions page with options to edit, preview, and delete question highlighted and labeled in text.

  • You can no longer add or remove questions once students have begun to attempt the quiz. However, you can still edit questions. We suggest you do this only to make simple changes, such as correcting a typo.
  • If you use the question bank to add a single question to multiple quizzes, be aware that editing that question in one quiz will change the question in all of them. If you have questions about editing Moodle quiz questions, please get in touch.

Commonly used question types

There are many possible question types in Moodle. We do not recommend using the drag-and-drop question types due to accessibility issues. If you have questions about how to set up your questions in Moodle, please contact us at moodle@reed.edu.


  • : Descriptions are useful for providing information about the quiz or about a set of questions in the quiz. You can include text or media to a description, and they can appear anywhere in the quiz.

Automatically graded

  • : Students choose an answer for each prompt from a drop-down menu. All prompts have the same options.
  • : Students choose one or more correct answers from a list of choices. Be sure to allow multiple answers if students should choose more than one. It is possible to assign partial credit to answers so that more than one answer must be selected to get 100%, or so that students can receive partial credit for incorrect answers.
  • : Students select missing words in a longer text from drop-down menus. This question type requires adding placeholders to the text and can be complicated to set up, but we are happy to help if you would like assistance with set up.
  • : Students type in a short answer response. Their typed response must match the correct answer exactly, so we suggest using the short answer question type only when there is an unambiguous one or two word answer. It is possible to allow for minor differences in input by including multiple correct answers or using wildcard characters. Please get in touch if you have questions about setting up short answer questions. For longer responses that are not automatically graded, use the essay question type.
  • : Simple true/false question. 
  • : This very adaptable question type is also the hardest to set up. We may assist you in creating cloze questions based on your needs.

Manually graded

  • : For longer text responses. Students type answers directly into Moodle. It is also possible to allow file uploads to an essay question. Keep in mind that text entered into Moodle is not saved automatically, so Moodle quiz essay questions might not be the best choice for collecting long-form writing.

Grading quizzes

By student attempt

  • Access the Results page from the quiz menu to review quiz attempts. You will see a list of all existing attempts, including any scores automatically calculated by Moodle.
Moodle quiz results page with option to Review attempt for a stuent highlighted

  • Click on the Review attempt option under each student's name to review their entire attempt. You will see a green box under each answer. Click Make a comment or override points in this box to add a score, change an automatically generated score, or add a comment.
Moodle quiz review attempt interface with option to Make comment or override points highlighted

By question

  • If you would like to grade by question rather than by student attempt, change the drop-down menu at the top of the Results page from Grades to Manual Grading.
Moodle quiz results page showing dropdown menu expanded and the option Manual grading selected

  • If your quiz includes questions that must be manually graded, only those will display by default. Click the Also show questions that have been graded automatically option under Questions that need grading. Click on the Grade all option on the far right of each question to grade that question.
Moodle quiz manual grading interface showing option to Grade all under one of the questions highlighted

  • If you made changes to automatically graded questions, let your students know so that they can check their updated results.